Monday, January 25, 2010

Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear.

- Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson is featured on the two dollar bill. I would strongly encourage everyone to start using it. Thomas Jefferson was a great man and I feel his importance is ignored in the fact that most, if not all, cash registers don't even have a place for them to go between the 1's and 5's. A lot of people don't know that they really aren't worth anything (more than two dollars, at least), or
that the latest series is actually 2003. Some people may have never even seen one in person before. But I've been using them a lot lately, and you can too. It's real easy.

Go to any bank nearest you, I go to a local Bank of America (they usually have waaaay more in supply then the local TD bank, who never has more then four).

1. Ask them if they have any two dollar bills handy.

2. If they do, ask them for some.

3. Give them some of your money in exchange (preferably something other than two dollar bills).

4. Spend them all over the place.

Just think how cool it would be if two dollar bills became as common as the one dollar bill, then you could tell all your friends that it was all because of you.

I know this isn't a very philosophical post, but I still think it's worth posting.


  1. at the very most two dollar bills could become half as common as one dollar bills, just as hundred dollar bills are one tenthth as common as ten dollar bills. though it would be nice to instantly double our money... I know what you mean, i just love giving you a hard time

  2. No, eddie, you're wrong. two dollar bills could easily become as popular as one dollar bills, especially if one dollar coins are put into use and begin to replace one dollar bills. And even if coins are never popular, two dollar bills can become just as popular as one dollar bills by sheer demand. Just because a bill is of a higher denomination doesn't mean it has to be less popular.
